NEW YORK – The Black Institute (TBI), a Black-led policy and organizing institution, released its…

What do flash mobs, cats and the Harlem Shake have in common? They all have videos that have gone viral. These videos spark spirit-filled discussions and millions of people share them with their networks each and every day.
Check out Higher Heights’ “By the Numbers” video and let’s spark a nationwide conversation about the state of Black women in America. Did you know that Black women’s collective spending power is over $565 billion a year, yet the median net worth of a single Black woman is only $100?
We know you will be as shocked as we were about our numbers.
Understanding the severity of how Black women are faring in this country and the untapped advocacy and political power that we have is only the beginning. With knowledge comes the will to ensure that Black women’s collective political power is cultivated. Now that you know, what will you do?
Let’s not just be alarmed by the numbers.Let’s do something about it.We need your help to spread this email and video with your social network and ask them to join our efforts!
- Tweet: Check out @HigherHeights4 Video “By the numbers” on the state of Black women in America.
- Post on Facebook: Numbers don’t lie: The state of Black women in America:
There’s power in numbers. With a strong base of supporters like you, we can work to ensure Black women have the resources they need to ensure their voices are heard.
Onward and Upward,
Glynda C. Carr, Co-Founder Kimberly Peeler-Allen, Co- Founder